Successfully deployed worldwide, TAR’s critical assets security solutions provide maximum protection, facilitating uninterrupted production and operations.

Intelligence – contains powerful, scalable and easy-to-use intelligence platforms that collect, integrate, and analyse structured and unstructured data from sensors, databases, open sources, transforming it into actionable insights.

Cyber – manages the entire threat lifecycle, providing actionable, real-time insights to enable early detection, immediate response and fast recovery from cyber attacks.

Surveillance and reconnaissance – TAR’s scalable UAS platforms are customised to meet any tactical requirements. Compact, portable and fully autonomous, they operate in a synchronised swarm formation to increase coverage, track and lock on to moving targets.

Protection – fully operational multi-layer anti-drone solution, with modular systems that provide 360° coverage and on the move capabilities to enhance the reach and performance of on-ground forces.

Broad offering of technology-driven training programs and courses, as well as capacity development for security, law enforcement and military professionals, based on and adapted to the latest methodologies and trends.

From site survey, through risk and threat analysis, to design and deploy – all to meet our customers’ unique needs and requirements.

Integrated tactical platforms that incorporate multiple sensors with advanced technologies and analytic tools to ensure dynamic monitoring, extensive coverage, continuous real-time picture, and long-range interception, empowering decision-makers to make informed decisions on the spot.