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Another major tsunami braced the coastal areas of Java and Sumatra islands, part of the Indonesian archipelago, on Dec. 23, bringing with it mass destruction, power stoppages, and up to 430 casualties. This horrific tragedy capped a year of earthquakes and tsunamis in the island nation. Adding insult to injury,

Global Risk Chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear agents have become leading weapons in the hands of terrorists and oppressive regimes trying to sabotage other nations. Greater urbanization makes this a much more significant threat with terrorists constantly eyeing opportunities to set off a “dirty bomb” in the middle of a

Disaster Preparedness o Detection capabilities o Response capacity o Do you have contingency plans in effect? o Do you require mitigation planning assistance? o Do you have a modern system in place? Disasters know no borders. Differences in goals, technologies used and approaches often complicate communication between the different authorities,