In recent years the world has witnessed civil unrest on a scale never seen before. With the dawn of the coronavirus, the world faced a new set of challenges. Faced with long periods of isolation, the loss of loved ones and economic backlash as businesses closed, leaving people without a source of income, they set to the streets to protest against the backdrop of governments’ attempts to deal with this outbreak’s complex consequences. Many factors can trigger civil unrest and riots, but the core issues usually revolve around elections, economic shifts, corruption, police brutality and dissatisfaction with the government and political changes.

Law enforcement agencies face a challenging reality; maintaining the support of citizens whilst keeping peace and public safety face without the use of excessive force and with minimal casualties.
Hadar Szpiro, TAR’s CEO, says: “In recent years, the world has witnessed civil unrest on a scale never seen before. The global pandemic has triggered waves of protests against governments’ backdrop attempts to deal with this outbreak’s complex consequences. Political changes have also provoked the public, inciting demonstrations that spread beyond public order boundaries and became increasingly violent. This growing challenge cannot be met by simply increasing the size of the forces or costly condensation of the technical array with additional equipment and heavy gear. A new approach with advanced technology-oriented solutions is required. We have been working with law enforcement agencies for over 30 years, collaborating with them to deliver up-to-date protection and methodologies to ensure that their forces are equipped and ready for the next event.”

Interoperability and communication are crucial to managing events when multiple agencies from various jurisdictions are involved to ensure effective communication between forces and the command and control in real-time:
C4I – From a stand-alone platform to a hierarchical array, serving a single authority or supporting multi-agency collaboration and dissemination of data on a local or national level.
The C4I leverages Big Data intelligence and an advanced analytic platform that collates, integrates, and analyses structured and unstructured data from sensors, databases, open sources and more. The analysed data is transformed into actionable insights, enabling decision-makers to mitigate risks, make informed decisions and optimise resources.
The transition from routine to emergency can happen in an instant. Our data-driven platform gathers and analyses past and present, structured and unstructured data from diverse sources to support micro and macro level decision-makers to make informed decisions and optimise resources to minimise risk or even prevent future violent protest.
Powered by Tacticars, TAR has developed a unique standalone intelligence vehicle integrating four core technologies to create the ultimate solution made for Law Enforcement Agencies:
■ Direction Finding
■ Tactical Detection
■ Personal Profiling
■ Intelligence & Analytics
■ Target Detection
■ Multiple-Sensors
■ Interception Systems
■ Aerial Surveillance Systems (such as drones and UAV’s)
■ Riot Control Barrier – Fast deployed shield that supports crowd management and access.
■ Water Cannon Vehicle is a rugged vehicle equipped with a controlled jet pulse system and the latest water cannon technology.

Fixed and fast-deployed mobile sensors including wearable sensors, electro-optics, monitoring systems, intelligence gathering sensors, and more:
Social media can be a blessing and a curse during times of unrest. It can be a helpful tool that provides safe zone updates or send a platform to ignite public sentiment. The use of social media can intensify a situation in a matter of minutes; however, law enforcement agencies can utilize OSINT to predict hot spots and monitor sentiments in order to mitigate a downward spiral and ensure their forces are prepared.
As urban areas and inner cities become more densely populated, law enforcement agencies are faced with greater challenges. Every incident that occurs in a city generates data from VISINT sensors; this data can be analysed to respond to situations. Using predictive policing technologies over time, the data can generate insights and patterns that provide greater insight. These insights provide law enforcement agencies with tools to make rapid, smart decisions, and dispatch available resources effectively.
The use of Signal Intelligence & Interception to monitor and collect intelligence from smartphones, tablets and other devices, whether cellular, WI-FI or Bluetooth without any direct interaction.
Innovation is about finding new ways to do things more efficiently by combining new tools, methods and technologies to enable law enforcement agencies to have greater insight and impact than before. The innovations shaping the future of law enforcement begin with adopting new technologies that support new operational concepts to ensure public safety. With technology rapidly evolving, it’s essential to keep a breadth with the latest solutions.
To enable law enforcement units to rapidly and efficiently respond to public disturbances and violent mass-crowd demonstrations and reduce the risk of lethal confrontation, agencies must take inventory and assess the types of equipment and fleet available to them. PPE inventory is one thing, and making sure the PPE is suitable for use is another. Agencies should ensure that all PPE is fit tested and consider its current condition; from tactical stab-resistant uniforms and bulletproof vests, helmets & visors to gas masks, shields, and equestrian protective gear. Tactical equipment should be designed to protect against impact with face shield that features anti-abrasion and an anti-fog layer to ensure unimpeded visibility.
TAR designs comprehensive riot-control solutions that integrate operational concepts and procedures with advanced physical measures.
Whether integrating old equipment with new or establishing local, regional or national units, our field-proven, customised solutions enhance the performance of Riot- Control units. Our experts ensure that the PPE equipment we provide is tailored to meet your specific operational requirements and usage.
All our equipment meets the most stringent industry standard requirements to ensure that your law enforcement officers are outfitted with the most up to date riot gear and tactical equipment. From mobile Riot-Control platforms to protective gear and advanced integrated technologies, our goal is to make sure your officers are using the latest methods and systems to rapidly and effectively manage public disturbances and mass crowd events