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TAR IDEAL CONCEPTS recently completed and handed over the keys as the implementation of the large-scale border control project in Africa was completed. TAR‘s border concept provided a coordinated border management solution for the Border Units. Integrating technologies and advanced equipment we provided the Border Control Units with a customized mobile solution

Advanced night vision technology is said to have been the single biggest advantage Coalition forces had over the Iraqi army in the First Gulf War. Since then, however, terrorist organizations and totalitarian regimes have had no problem acquiring top-quality night vision gear on the black market. In many instances, they

Globalization and Rise in Crime Globalization and the use of internet have had an enormous effect on the illegal drug market making it more challenging for drug enforcement and border control units to prevent narcotics from entering their countries. In Europe, as the establishment of the European Union created open

If Rogue Regimes Can do it, Terrorists can Too While rogue regimes such as Syria and North Korea have used chemical and biological weapons as a deterrent against anti-government movements from within and amassed stockpiles of CBRNs to threaten neighboring states, terrorists have also sought ways of attaining weapons of

Media sources reported that on September 22, 2018, members of the Islamic terrorist group Allied Democratic Forces (ADF), operating in Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo attacked the town of Beni in the Kivu region, leaving at least 12 people dead. The group has been staging attacks from

The stabbing death of a 35-year-old man in the German town of Chemnitz on Sunday, August 26th led to violent anti-immigration protests organized by far-right groups. After false reports surfaced that the murdered man had been defending a woman from Middle East refugees, right wing leaders took to social media calling

On Oct. 27th, Cameroon police arrested dozens of protestors demonstrating against the re-election of incumbent president Paul Biya. The rally was attended by hundreds of locals calling for Biya’s 36-year reign to come to an end. Previous years have seen an upsurge in anti-government sentiment with the current regime often

Islamist militants take responsibility On Saturday, Oct. 13th, 2018, al-Shabaab terrorists carried out a twin suicide bombing in the heart of the Somalian city of Baidoa claiming the lives of at least 22 civilians and wounding more than 30 others. The first blast took place at a popular restaurant, with

Today, the threat of explosive ordnance devices has become widespread, causing an immense challenge to Law Enforcement, Military and Bomb Disposal Units tasked with protecting civilians and swiftly disposing of national security threats with a minimal risk to human life. Over the years TAR has delivered EOD projects across the